If you need to take a break, or just reset your brain, check out Twistori. The site streams the latest Twitter posts with the words "love," "hate," "think," "believe," "feel," and "wish." In each stream you'll find thoughts deep and shallow, but...
I'd like to say I've never seen anything like it, but...check it out, you will laugh.
via Johnnie Moore's weblog.
I haven't been able to attend ASAE's Summit on Global Responsibility, which started yesterday, but I hope to sit in on some of it virtually today (in addition to the on-site gathering at the new Gaylord, there also are a number of satellite sites ...
If you have any sensitive information on your laptop or other electronic devices, you may want to store it elsewhere when crossing the border, according to this article in Travel Weekly (free sub req'd). From the item: ...
Check these out: Craziest Shoes From Around The World. While they're all just bizarre, I'd pick these as the weirdest:
They're just wrong on so many levels...
There's a great bit in the April 28 New Yorker called "Pope-a-Palooza," about how events producer Chris Wangro dealt with a 25,000-person youth rally/music festival for Pope Benedict XVI (it's not available online, unfortunately). Some of my...
This is day two of the Virtualis convention center grand opening in Second Life, and it's going a little more smoothly for me than yesterday. First and most importantly, I've been able to actually hang out for entire sessions, instead of bopping...