Check it out--the virtual convention center in Second Life, Virtualis, is having its grand opening today and tomorrow. (For one person's impression after taking a tour, check out Rob Everton's review--not much I can add to it, other than you...
This time it's Let's Talk Trade Shows, written by Joyce McKee. It looks like she's been blogging since December, and I'm just now hearing about it (shame on me!). Anyway, lots of good trade show items on there. Among her recent entries: ...
If you want to learn about learning, human intelligence, and all that jazz, Wired has been pumping out some fascinating articles lately: Get Smarter: 12 Hacks That Will Amp Up Your Brainpower. When it comes to meetings and adult learning, this one...
I got this fortune last night and it struck me as fairly profound, in a fortune-cookie kind of way:
Doing what you like is freedom Liking what you do is happiness
May you be both free and happy on this beautiful spring Monday.
I just found another meeting planner blog well worth checking out: Gathering, by Krys Slovacek, professional meeting planner for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. She's got some great stuff. ...
Thanks to Nancy Wilson of Meeting Strategies Worldwide for this one: A Green Meetings Glossary. If there are green-meetings-related words or phrases you'd like to see added, drop her a line. ...
You may not be able to predict precisely which flights will get stuck on the tarmac, but Delaycast may be able to narrow it down for you. From Wired: ...
Apr 17, 2008
Here's a nice bit of tit-for-tat from The Lede: Harrah’s Entertainment is getting so peeved at the Las Vegas Review-Journal about its hounding the company about potential problems with its various construction and renovation projects that it no...