If you love words, you'd love Verbatim, a quarterly magazine on language where you'll find explications of such things as lobby lice and bathroom berthas. What, you hadn't heard of those either? In an item on hotel slang of the 1950s, I found out...
Nancy Wilson, CMP, who authors one of my favorite new blogs offers this cautionary tale about why you should check to make sure the facility you're using is actually living up to its green promises. I don't know why this shocked me so badly, given...
Reading this post on Acronym reminds me of a meeting I went to years ago where the speaker kept saying that people could be frank because everything said in the room was "just between us." But I was there, as an invited journalist, to report on...
for not honoring a room block: The guarantee only means we'll hold the reservation, not the rooms. Huh? Good thing that an appellate court in New Jersey rejected that argument recently when Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort in Atlantic City used it as...
Especially for those of us who are enjoying a nice gray, cold, drizzly day today: Grow a flower garden. Brightened my morning up a bit anyway.
In my humble opinion, anyway, this webinar series from UNLV is it when it comes to meeting planning. I know I shouldn't promote it here, since we are affiliated with the series, but really, what's not to like? ...