I wish I could have attended the ASAE and The Center...) technology conference that just wrapped up recently. But since I couldn't, I'm glad Ben over at the Certified Association Executive has been doing some posts about it...
A friendly reminder from the Boston Globe's oops department to be very careful what you do with your attendees' registration data: Subscriber credit data distributed by mistake. As a subscriber, I am not happy. While I can't imagine meeting...
OK, this is just for fun, but it could come in useful for a brainstorming session: Spelling with flickr.
(Thanks to Grass Shack Events and Media for the pointer!)
I've heard of meetings happening on trains, planes, and automobiles (well, buses, anyway), but I hadn't thought of using a boat as a meeting venue. Not a cruise ship, but a local charter boat, as detailed in this article from the Palm Beach Post...
If I were a bellman, I'd seriously consider moving to New Orleans, where bell wages post-Katrina have risen 95 percent, according to a a survey Wagewatch conducted for a group of New Orleans hotels (of course, I have no idea what they got paid pre...
The idea of embedding radio frequency identification in passports is not being received well by the public commenters, to put it mildly. During the comment period that ran from February to April last year, people expressed all sorts of objections...
Is your organization stuck in a rut, holding the same conference year after year, on the same topics, delivered via talking heads and PowerPoint, in a location chosen because your leaders like to golf there? As Jeff Jarvis says, it's time to shake...
Keep conferences small: That's what Robert Scoble, Microsoft blogger extraordinaire, says, if you want to keep it cost-effective for attendees and not take the financial risks...