The Centers for Disease Control now wants airlines, travel agents, and online reservations systems to collect a lot of information—e-mail address, cellphone number, traveling companions' names, your name, your address, and your emergency contacts...
While I was walking the dogs before work this morning, all kinds of strange things kept popping into my head: My old roommate's name (wonder what Guy's doing these days?), the theme song to "Bewitched," the taste of breadfruit, how scary "Fatal...
Most meeting planners and hospitality folks I've met appear to be extroverts, meaning that they get their energy from other people and the world around them. And that's good, because extroverts tend to be rewarded in this society (U.S.). From an...
OK, I'm having too much fun with this warning label generator site. I don't of any way to relate this to meetings, but it's just fun. Enjoy!
(Thanks to High Context Consulting for the pointer.)
It's funny how often meeting and event planning are showing up in Donald Trump's TV show The Apprentice. Next up is an episode that features Microsoft's Live Meeting Web conferencing software. From the promo site...
Someone with way too much time on their hands has invented a handy little device that can measure how the beer stash is holding up, the blood alcohol level of drinkers, and some other interesting data, according to The Inquirer...
Not one, probably, but 92 or so would put me down, according to ...
Here's a little holiday video that may make you want to try that tofu turkey alternate...
That's the question The Economist tackled recently. It evaluated 127 cities around the world on a number of factors, which, according to the Times Online, include...