According to this article, Mississippi can't afford to perrmanently lose its casino business—their loss of business due to hurricane destruction is costing $500,000 a day in tax revenues alone. ...
While most hotels are donating a percentage of their net profits this month to the Red Cross for hurricane relief, the Shoreham hotel's approach is in true Nawlins style: They're donating 100 percent of bar receipts from sales of its Southern...
The U.S.-Arab Economic Forum has postponed its meeting next week in Houston "over concerns by event organizers that it would take some of the focus off the needs of the thousands of hurricane evacuees," according to the Houston Chronicle. This was...
This morning I received a notice that a New York event show to be held this fall is making a donation to the Red Cross of 25 percent of the cost of a two-day Show Floor pass for planners and vendors to "show our support for our colleagues in New...