And so they begin. The Specialty Graphic Imaging Association cancelled its 2005 (9/28 - 10/1) meeting in New Orleans. There were 11,000-plus attendees expected. They tried to ...
According to this Washington Post article, New Orleans meeting organizers are turning their eyes toward Atlanta to rebook their meeting, if need be. Which isn't too suprising...
I just spoke with Jim Sliwa, media relations manager with ICAAC organizer the American Society for Microbiology, and the conference will be moving from New Orleans to a new place and new dates (it was scheduled originally for Sept.). ...
Go read Patti Digh's latest 37 Days. She so beautifully sums up what I'm feeling right now, and I suspect many of you are, too, about the horror show that used to be one of the more beautiful places in the U.S.: The Gulf Coast...
And the one I'm working on now is one of them—contacting meeting organizers to find out what they're doing with their close-in events in the Gulf Coast. With so much death and destruction, with floodwaters still rising in New Orleans, it almost...
My colleague Mike Bassett has been working overtime on the Katrina damage updates. Here's one good thing that is coming from so much bad, according to this article he wrote for today's MeetingsNet Extra e-newsletter...
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, it looks like Star Trek-type teleportation is still in the realm of science fiction (shocking, I know). Military examines 'beaming up' data, people Critics say its extreme computing, energy needs keep...