For the women of a certain age among us, do you remember the circa 1966 game What Shall I be: The Exciting Game of Career Girls? The choices were Teacher (College), Actress (Drama School), Nurse (Nursing School), Model (Charm School), Ballet Da...
Most people don't think too far outside of Boston when they consider Massachusetts meetings destinations, but if you have a smallish group, Western Mass. rocks! I just spent the weekend staying at ...
Patti Digh's wonderful 37 Days hits it out of the ballpark again in this week's edition. It's all about staying true to yourself, integrity, and why sometimes, even if the money's tempting, you just have to say no to a business deal. Beautiful.
Mergers are tough, no doubt about it. And the American Society of Association Executives and The Center for Association Leadership had their work cut out for them after their consolidation. And now, the critics are coming out to comment on their...
According to the Chicago Sun-Times, there's a guy named Craig Smith who says gas prices could hit $5 a gallon by next year. And, it says...
Another can't resist article, this time from the St. Petersburg Times: Seeking space between state and USA. It seems that Visit Florida is changing its FLA USA slogan with, natch, Visit Florida. That's fine. FLA USA always was a little odd. But...
This one is too weird to let pass without some comment. From the Edinburgh Evening News: Clear off, Pint, you're not welcome at family show. Seems a woman dressed up as a big ole pint of beer was tossed out of family-type venues because, and I...
I predict we're only going to see more of this: Chinese Cryptologists Get Invitations to a U.S. Conference, but No Visas (from the NYT, free reg. req'd)...
I just heard about another cool thing related to the recent ASAE conference that I didn't see on their blog: That every general session started with the "ASAE Country Band" singing three country music songs with new association-management-related...