I just ran across The New Charm School, which had lots of interesting stuff. For example, this post points out the practical reason to keep the sexy stuff out of the office...
This is what makes all these hot and steamy days worthwhile: Last night we had what we call "The Sauce," and it was so the essence of summer that I have to share...
I'm participating in the blogjam over at Fast Company Now, which is a lot of fun. Check it out: Johnnie’s talking about changing the world and Jeff’s getting holistic about innovation--and all I want to talk about is jerks in the workplace...
From CNN: Costa Rica bars swimming with dolphins, sharks (I think the shark thing is a typo since the article mentions dolphins and whales, but no Great Whites or Hammerheads)...
As I was search-engine optimizing the August issue of Corporate Meetings & Incentives, I ran across this little gem...
I just heard about ZazzleStamps, a new service where you can upload your own image to be placed on postage stamps. This could be a very cool way to further brand your meeting mailings.
Association Meeting's e-newsletter AM Extra, has some good items in it. I particularly liked this one: Getting the Next Generation on Board. A snip...