This may be painful news for the more control-freaky among us, but according to this article in Wired, those who disobeyed the authorities on 9/11 were "better informed and far more knowledgeable than emergency operators far from the scene." ...
According to this article on CNN, the new requirement that Americans going to the Caribbean will have to show a valid U.S. passport to enter Caribbean countries as of Dec. 31 this year could prove catastrophic for the region--to the tune of up to ...
In a move that may interest no one but us magazine folks, the American Society of Association Executives' choice of a name for its new magazine, Association Leadership, is already taken by the Texas SAE's magazine, according to Association Trends ...
Being somewhat of an artistic soul (or wannabe, anyway--when I'm not writing articles and blogging, I'm painting pet portraits), a recent e-mail from Vivian Matz Levi caught my eye. She's recently started teaching leadership skills through...
I was supposed to go to the opening of the new convention center in Hartford, Conn., today. Then I was felled by a dastardly stomach bug (you don't want to know, trust me!). I rescheduled for Monday, so by next week I should have something to say...