I got my socks blown off yet again today. We visited the Disney Event Group and were given a very interesting behind-the-scenes look at how they do all the costuming, floral arrangements, gift baskets (best I've ever seen, anywhere!), electronics...
I haven't been here since I was in 5th grade or so, so this place is all new to me! Last night we went over to Disney's MGM Studios for the Lights, Motors, Action Extreme Stunt Show, and it reawoke the latent gearhead in me in a big way. They led...
It must be something in the water here in Orlando--everyone is just so darn nice and helpful! It warms the cockles of my curmudgenly New Englander's heart. Anyway, here's hoping I can catch up before the next wave of fun. ...
I don't know if you've read the cover story of CMI's latest issue yet, but if you haven't, check it out--it's already getting some discussion going, and it's not even out in print yet. ...
That's what a survey of Special Events readers had to say in this article: ...
I've been e-talking with some friends lately about how all the meetings industry associations are going about creating their own core competency/career pathing/whatever you want to call it. All on their own, with no cooperation that I'm aware of...
That's what I wondered to myself as I read this post on The Corporate Blogging Blog about the recent Les Blogs event...
Oh, you have to check out Stooples, a spoof site with all the stupid tools you need to make it through a day at the office. Some examples include Sales Staph (Stop pesky sales reps in their tracks. Viral infection attacks larynx, neutralizes sales...
As if it wasn't hard enough to get today's attendees to come to a meeting...just imagine if you were planning the MIT Time Traveler Convention! From the Web site...
Jeffrey Cafaude posted something pretty interested on his blog...