Repeat that as your mantra when your keynoter misses her plane, your executives ask you to take their laundry to the cleaners, and your feet are aching. Because a survey of 5,000 people really think both our jobs are sexy, according to
More from Tim Brown's negotiation session at NEMICE yesterday: ...
According to this article, "The typical U.S. hotel achieved an 11.4 percent increase in profits in 2004 over 2003 according to the recently released 2005 edition of Trends in the Hotel Industry published by PKF Hospitality Research (PKF-HR), an...
I just got an e-mail promotion from Microsoft Office Live Meeting that is very cool. It invites you, potential user, to participate in its free business seminar series using its technology. In effect, you demo the product while learning something...
I was recently asked this question by a couple of women who are doing a project about teachers who have made a difference in people's lives--not just academic teachers, but anyone who has taught us a memorable lesson. I responded with this: ...
In an interesting move, The Society of Incentive & Travel Executives issued a press release saying that it has sent ...
Here’s a list of what Corporate Board Member magazine considers to be the top 10 hotels for board retreats. Just thought you might want to know.
Here's an interesting development in the ongoing air security hoo-ha: A little Nevada airport wants to replace TSA screeners with private employees. ...