I found this article in Darwin a pretty interesting read. Titled, "Enough with Blogging Already," it outlines all the reasons why businesses will never get into blogging. Oh, it might be OK for a little one-person startup, but Big Business will...
For those who are looking for a little fun this afternoon, check out this post from Anne Taylor-Vaisey: On the Annals of Improbable Research (HotAIR) Web site you can explore the following:The Ig® Nobel Home Page:Some people covet it, others flee...
Want to know where people drop the most bucks per day on their vacations? Why not--one would guess you'll also probably spend the most per day per attendee there as well, since the main factors are hotel rates and F&B. The answer is, no big...
Yup, you read it right--BBQ butlers are coming to the The Ritz-Carlton Lodge, Reynolds Plantation in Greensboro, Ga. The press release along made my mouth water: "From roasting sauce-smothered ribs in the bold flavors of mesquite wood to smoking...
Face2face must have hit the big time somewhere or other--I just finished deleting 250 or so comment spams from an online pharmacy. Apologies to anyone who clicked to read a comment and ended up getting spammed. Man, I hate this. Must find time...
I don't usually blog much about hotel sales, but this one has sentimental value for me--I spent many a night in my ill-spent youth hanging at the bar in the Hotel Jerome in Aspen. Not that we could afford to buy a drink or anything, but we hoped...
Another country heard from: The American Society of Travel Agents has issued a statement that, like the statement issued by ASAE, MPI, and PCMA, expresses a less-than-thrilled attitude toward labor union UNITE HERE contacting meeting planners...
Here's a do-it-yourself kit on how to make wireless work for you wherever you go, with a little homemade box powered by a car's cigarette lighter...
I had an interesting time at NEMICE,held at the new Boston Convention and Exhibition Center yesterday. I went to a really good session on contracts and negotiation, which I’ll try to write up and post shortly. The BCEC also is gorgeous--I hadn't...
Since I lust in my heart for a Mini-Cooper, I just had to share this image from the mad Photoshoppers at Fark. ...