OK, now that we pulled off the 1st Annual Pharmaceutical Meeting Planners Forum, which Medical Meetings cosponsored with The Center for Business Intelligence (see post below), I'll admit that I was a little worried about how it would all work out...
Drats, I meant to blog from the conference, but just was too bushed by the end of the day Thursday and too busy yesterday to do it. But the 1st Annual Pharmaceutical Meeting Planners Forum, which Medical Meetings cosponsored with The Center for...
Last night, I begged off greeter duty a bit early at the 1st Annual Pharmaceutical Meeting Planners Forum, which Medical Meetings is cosponsoring with The Center for Business Intelligence, and snuck out to have dinner with some cyberbuddies from...
I've always suspected it, but now I know for sure--I'd never make it as a meeting planner! I'm here in Philadelphia for the 1st Annual Pharmaceutical Meeting Planners Forum, an event we're co-producing with The Centers for Business Intelligence. ...
There's an interesting item over at the Passionate Web site that has the intriguing title, "Most Classroom Learning Stinks" (ok, they use another word for stinks, but I'm keeping this G-rated). The author postulates that ...
Well, the folks over at TradeShowBlues sure have been busy compiling a report on all the reports about the dreaded Brookings Institute study, which basically says all those new convention centers will turn into big, dusty warehouses for lack of...
I was getting ready to make a call to an area code I'm not familiar with, and I wanted to be sure that I wasn't calling hideously early to California. Since my time zone/area code map is completely outdated, I went on the Internet and found this...
From a press release: ...