I couldn't believe it when I read it in the paper this morning, but the Connecticut-based giant casino/hotel/entertainment complex known as Foxwoods is expanding. This on top of this fall's $300 million on a new casino, a Hard Rock Cafe, a shop...
If this ever makes it to the commercial market, just imagine how you could wow the most jaded meeting attendees...
It ain't easy, is it? Yet so many planners are finding themselves challenged to demonstrate that the results of their meeting were worth the time and expense. There's a good article called, The New ROI: Too Tough to Tackle in the latest issue of...
It's funny that Anne Taylor-Vaisey, my partner in crime on our other blog, Capsules, e-mailed this New York Times editorial about why it's not a smart idea to drink and dial (it's actually against the law in Australia in some cases, as I mentioned...
I just ran across a rash of weird food ideas that might inspire or might repulse you--but I had to share anyway: ...
Rich at the TSMI blog found what must be the strangest concept yet in restaurants:A room-service restaurant. ...
Julia Rutherford Silvers, CSEP, argues in this article that the meetings and events industry needs to have some standard level of competence for those looking to get into the field. A snip: ...
While it might be buried under a couple of feet of snow at the moment, the Westin Copley Place Boston had its moment in the sun when it was presented with The Spirit Award given by the Professional Convention Management Association at their annual...