If you volunteer or work with nonprofit groups, check out TechSoup Stock, which gives significant discounts on hardware, software, and peripheral components to nonprofit organizations. So instead of paying $500 or so for Microsoft Office Pro, you...
Oh yeah, how I've been having a lot of premature "senior moments" lately. And it looks like I'm not alone. According to this article, all the stress of our downsized, work-three-jobs-in-one lifestyle these days is making us forget more than we...
For everything you’d ever want to know about e-learning, go to <a href=”usnews.com. This site includes course directories, articles, available graduate e-programs
just about everything you’d want to know if you’re looking into online education.
Not sure what CIC, CMP, and all those other industry acronyms stand for? The the APEX terminology report has a lot of the answers.
Another good resource is the glossary at PCMA's Web site.
Easy enough to find out. Click here, then plug in the city. Pretty cool, eh?
(Via the MIMList listserv)
Here's a good link to check before heading out to the airport:
the TSA Security Checkpoint Wait Time Calculator. But get there an hour early anyway, just in case.
I've mentioned radio frequency identification, or RFID, several times already (here, and here), but here goes again--now they're talking about embedding RFID chips in gaming tables and chips. From Gambling Magazine: ...
If you got one, but don't have the resources to scratch it properly, go to MPI's scholarship page. It's a good clearinghouse for available scholarships for budding planners, and for those who are looking to sharpen up their skills with a little...
If you're into the Atkins Diet thing and you're in the business, I can imagine it would be tough to keep track of your daily carb intake during all the inevitable travel. But if you have your trusty cellphone in tow, you soon may be able to count...
If you're into the Atkins Diet thing and you're in the business, I can imagine it would be tough to keep track of your daily carb intake during all the inevitable travel. But if you have your trusty cellphone in tow, you soon may be able to count...