Remember Horst Schulze, formerly of Ritz-Carlton fame? Well, according to the Wall Street Journal, he doesn't think even that high-end chain's standards are the ultimate--he's looking to start up of six-star hotel chain with properties in places...
Head over to Dominica, which recently announced that it had become "the first country ever to receive benchmark designation from the prestigious eco-tourism organization, Green Globe 21." ...
Here are the top choices for business meetings and incentives, according to a yearly review of worldwide business meetings and incentives programs sold, and pending for 2005 by Maritz Travel: ...
I was just talking with our editorial director, Betsy Bair, who told me about this wonderful note she received from someone in our industry (who wishes to remain anonymous): ...
I know their hearts are in the right place, but the way the planes' come at each other in this airline holiday greeting spiked my anxiety level a bit. But maybe that's just me. ...
President Bush has proposed shutting down GPS systems in the event of a catastrophic terrorist attack...
I don't know why I'm running across all these little holiday-related weirdnesses, but I thought I'd spread some of the holiday jeer. ...