That's what Stephanie Downs at ConferZone says in this post on her blog. And she makes a pretty good case for it, except for the fact that all her sources have a vested interest in saying virtual events are having a growth spurt. ...
Want to know how to work a great blacklight effect, or what aerotechnics are, or other theatrical effects tidbits? The fun facts and FAQs page on Theatre Events has all this and more. Plus, it's well-written, which is always a joy.
It is for me anyway, with deadlines looming, gifts unbought, and the family coming to our house for the holidays (gentlemen, start your engines--I mean vacuum cleaners!). That's why this article from Harpers couldn't have come along at a better...
Flight attendants are not happy about how airlines are going about digging themselves out of financial distress--especially the way they're cutting wages and health and retirement benefits. That's why they rallied yesterday in D.C., Seattle, and...
In an offer that sounds too good to be true, ExpressPlanner is handing out online event registration, an event Web site builder, e-mail marketing, e-surveys, and data analysis and reporting--all for free. The rub is if you need any help--then it...
After reading this article on how to build a better meeting, as recommended by a MIMLister, speaker, futurist, author, and all-around great guy Jim Carroll came up with some ideas of his own. ...
Despite local hoteliers fears that the new Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center in Grapevine would suck all their business away, the "giant sucking sound from the west" the Dallas hospitality community expected has yet to be heard. ...
...can you even imagine being in charge of security for the U.S. presidential inauguration? Terrorists, protesters, and over-eager fans, oh my!
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