As you may have heard, we in the Northeast are due for a bit of a storm tonight into tomorrow. Or, as the increasingly nonstop TV, radio, and Internet hype would make you think, a snowpocalypse is about to smite us from Hoboken to Bangor. Sure, w...
Funny how a one-hour session can completely upend your perception of what’s really important. Case in point: A hybrid session I attended virtually last week put on by the Professional Convention Management Association’s Convening Leaders, which w...
Operation Once in a Lifetime at the ACEhp annual meeting last week, or CSR, and meetings is a winning combination! And Thursday, January 22 is a day we're setting aside to share what we've found to be most effective and encourage more to particip...
Malaysia Airlines, as we know all too well, had a very bad, tragic year, with the loss of Flight MH370 with 239 people on board, and the shooting down of Flight MH17 over rebel-held eastern Ukraine that killed 298. Not surprisingly its safety rat...
One of our IdeaXchange authors, SMMP expert Shimon Avish, recently published a free meeting policy assessment tool that I think is really comprehensive and, potentially really useful for those who want to be sure they're covering every base—which...
My long-neglected RSS feed is, not surprisingly, swimming in New Years resolution-related stuff. And some of it is actually useful.
For example, if you are spending perhaps a wee bit too much time online (ahem), this article in the Washington Po...
For Halloween, Marriott gave travelers a nice treat—free Wi-Fi for those who participate in its Marriott Rewards loyalty program. Then just last week Starwood Hotels decided to do the same, only for all its SPG members (previously just Gold and P...
Holy Twitter bird, Batman! I knew I'd seen a lot of #ICCAWorld tweets flying by in early Novemberaround the ICCA Congress in Antalya, Turkey, but I didn't realize just how tweety a bunch they were until I got read this post showing that not only ...
Andrew TaffinToday’s guest post is by Andrew Taffin, CEO of Tallen Technology Rentals
When you undertake the planning of a series of meetings in multiple cities, key to success is figuring out the best way to form relationships with nationwide A...
Today's guest post is by Andrew Taffin, CEO, Tallen Technology Rentals
Here are some of the top developments I’ve seen this year, and some ideas on how meeting planners can leverage these trends going forward to ensure that their meetings are su...