Interesting article on the rise in technology butlers, or staff who exist to sooth the fevered keyboard of today’s techie business travelors. And they may be a bit crankier than most when their Internet goes down right before they need to e-mail...
Kudos to the Treasure Mountain Inn Hotel & Conference Center in Park City, Utah, for becoming (the press release says) the first hotel to join 1% Percent For The Planet, an alliance of businesses committed to leveraging their resources to...
I posted a while back on how someone actually figured out a mathematical formula to predict the likelihood of Murphy's Law (whatever can go wrong, will) happening in any given situation. ...
OK, this article from the San Jose Mercury News is just gross. It talks about how Redwood City, Calif., in whose courtroom the Scott Peterson murder trial is currently under way, isn't profiting sufficiently from all the press and other lookie...