I just finished listening to a teleconference put on by Philippa Gamse, a Web expert and fantastic speaker on all things techie. Anyway, this one was directed toward making a Web site more emotionally connected to its users. Whether it's a...
According to this article in USA Today, it looks like almost every city and town in the U.S. has something to brag about. This is one of my favorites on their list: ...
More research from IMEX (click here) found more than the usual "survey the industry"-type results with a new study. Along with confirming that association meeting planners still have their usual perennial concerns about offering better value at...
Some big news for her, for Maritz, and for women in this industry! Meeting, incentive, and travel management giant Maritz Travel Company just announced that Christine Duffy will take over as president and chief executive officer of Maritz Travel...
This is pretty wild--according to hotelchatter.com, the new and very posh Nine Zero hotel in Boston is taking innovation beyond new ways to fold napkins: ...
I've been listening in to an e-exchange among some meeting planners today who are worried about the retiring boomers leaving associations who are not being replaced by the next generation. There does seem to be some hope in a so-far...
In this article in News-Press.com about meeting and event planners in Florida, meeting and special event planner Lisa Reece of Extraordinary Eventz kept on ticking as her area took a licking from the late-summer hurricane. Of an event she was...
According to a press release, Handlery Union Square Hotel in San Francisco has its heart in the right place: It gives back to nonprofit organizations with free meeting room space and donates 10 percent of its guestroom sales to nonprofit groups...