These days, using "unique" venues (museums, boats, aquariums, etc.) for receptions or parties is becoming more common. But, warns Ted Kruckel at BizBash, there can be a downside. ...
Interesting thoughts on personal and professional risk-taking atView from a Corner Office, based on a women's leadership meeting the author attended. ...
The irony of it all makes this satiric entry in the latest edition of The Onion just too much. The headline: Organizers Fear Terrorist Attacks on Upcoming Al-Qaeda Convention. (Note that this is satire, not a real story.) ...
Ever feel like injecting your rumpled businesswear with the clothing equivalent of Botox as you shake it out of your suitcase after five days on the road? According to the TravelInsider, there’s now a wrinkle-free line of clothing that actually...
According to an article on USAToday, a Midwest flight was cancelled because a passenger found "Arabic-style writing" on the in-flight magazine. So everyone had to spend the night in Milwaukee instead of San Francisco, all because someone doodled...
Houston, Texas, has doubled its number of hotel rooms in the past year—to 5,200. And some hoteliers are wondering if the convention business will pick up enough to keep those rooms filled. ...
Despite a lingering boycott of Cincinnati conventions, started in 2001 following the shooting of a black man and resulting riots, the city says it’s now on the comeback trail when it comes to minority meetings. ...
According to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ latest forecast, revenue per available room is going to go up 6.3 percent in 2004, the biggest leap in 20 years. ...