Despite being wicked good at stretching a budget, meeting planners are not generally known as a stingy crew, and they tend to be “people people” too, with hardly a tinge of misanthrope to be found in the bunch. However, I do see a resemblance to ...
I saw this amazing list of talent for hire for trade show booths from Judy Venn & Associates on BoingBoing, and, thinking of all the roving talent I've seen at shows this year outside of the expo floor, from walking tree-people to human...
And now I know how to decorate my car for the holidays... Happy Monday, y'all!
It happens to everyone: a death in the family, an illness, a loss of a significant other's job that devastates your standard of living, or some other personal crisis that just knocks you off course for a while. Sometimes for a long while. And mee...
Our boat, the beautiful and aptly named ParadisoMy husband and I were fortunate to be able to spend about 10 days sailing around the U.S. and British Virgin Islands over Thanksgiving—and yes, it was awesome, thank you so much. But I won’t bore yo...
As the end of the year approaches—at least according to the holiday ads already overpopulating everything—it's time once again to start musing on what will be trending for 2015. Whatever will be happening in food and beverage or keynote speakers...
Rosie Ledesma-Bernaducci, CMPMy heart has been heavy with sadness and an aching sense of loss since I heard that Rosaelena “Rosie” Ledesma-Bernaducci, CMP, unexpectedly passed away last week. We weren’t close friends—more the hang-out-with-each-o...
We all—yes, even me, especially me!—like to gripe about the very things that make face-to-face meetings possible: Planes and hotels. So what are our most pet of pet peeves? Let’s start with hotels.
According to a survey of our most comm...
In "Decoding Apple as a Luxury Tools Company," Seth Godin describes the potential dichotomy that faces an organization—or conference—that wants to be both a luxury, cachet-driven brand, and one that provides useful tools...
If you, like 99 percent of the rest of humanity that owns a cellphone or computer, have found what you thought you were typing morph into something completely different by autocorrect, well, you're in good company! But what's just...