I am so excited to be able to announce that Tech3Partners, the new technology consultancy group formed earlier this summer by Jeff Rasco, Corbin Ball, and Rodman Marymor, has started a blog. ...
This item appears to be several years old, but what a great (I'm assuming tongue-in-cheek) collection of strange hotel ideas. The way he writes it, it sounds like they're real--I'm dying to know if any of these strange hotel ideas actually have...
OK, so it’s not a crime to be confused by all the federal government regulations about government meeting attendees accepting payments for travel from non-federal sources. Say your government agency is low on cash, but wants to send a requested...
Not that you ever have time to sit down and eat that fabulous gourmet dinner you planned for your attendees, but this is a great sitefrom Epicurious for those of us who didn’t grow up with Miss Manners and are a tad etiquette-challenged. ...
One would think one wouldn't have to mention this, but from this article, I guess one does: When in a Buddhist country, don't dishonor the Buddha. Thailand is taking it farther than just frowning on bad etiquette--your staff and attendees run the...
Last week, I mentioned that the Society of National Association Publications 2004 EXCEL Awards might be a good place to go for inspiration when you're developing your meetings promotions and brochures. Then Rich Westerfield wrote about how wrong...
I'm starting to feel like I should add a category to this blog for weather news! Anyway, here's the latest on hurricane-related damage in the Caribbean. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Cuba, Florida, and wherever else Ivan may want to go. ...