Hard to believe, but a backpack containing cosmetics was mistaken by bomb-sniffing dogs as potentially being explosives, shutting down Ontario, Calif.’s airport last week. Earlier, imported Indian pickles also were mistaken as a threat. ...
A really good behind-the-scenes look at what went into the security efforts at the Democratic National Convention in Boston from a CSO magazine reporter who tailed along with the security chief.
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If you or someone you know works for a non-profit organization, check out the Google Grants program: ...
Between the upcoming elections and the national day of mourning and remembrance on September 11, U.S.-based meetings this fall are sure to be flying the flag. But before you raise Old Glory, make sure that you know your stuff when it comes to flag...
Just in time for fall—a Web site that links to 119 schools that offer hospitality and/or meeting planning programs.
To receive a weekly blog update, e-mail Sue.
It was taking too long to open, so I gave up on it, but if you have better luck, check out Hampton Inn Hotels’ "comedic guided virtual hotel tour." According to a press release: ...
A forum by Avendra took hotels to task on their terrorism preparedness—a timely topic, now that "soft" targets like hotels are in the terrorists sites. ...