...this is the next best thing--and a very smart move, I think, on the part of ASAE and the Center for Association Leadership: a blog from ASAE Minneapolis 2004. ...
In a fun new contest being held through Dec. 15, the Hampton, Va., CVB is inviting meeting planners to submit their most unusual and humorous meeting planning anecdotes in its "Meeting Planners, Sound Off!" contest. A committee of Virginia travel...
The biggest complaint I hear about online adult education is that it’s boring, doesn’t get you really involved on a personal level, and just doesn’t keep your attention very well. Then I read this article from the New York Times about the military...
"National Assn of Postmasters of the US will have to pay the Hyatt Regency Washington more than $257,000 plus related costs under an Aug. 6 summary judgment in DC Superior Court," according to a recent issue of Association Trends. ...
For some reason, I just flashed on an airline spoof site I wrote about last fall that still gives me the giggles to think about. So, this being Friday and me wanting to goof off a bit and all, I went back to see if it's still there. ...
I know Republicans have had Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., on their "watch" list for eons, but now it seems that air transportation officials have added him to their terrorist watch list, too." ...
When even industry associations like SITE and ICPA are turning over their organizational leadership to association management companies, you know the AMC wave is going tidal. ...
Here’s the link to the CIC’s latest research results on why attendees book outside the block. It also contains some pretty good suggestions on ways you can minimize attrition.
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Cool new use for blogs in today’s New York Times—teachers are using them in classrooms to help students interact, share experiences, and all that jazz. Of course, I immediately skip to their potential for adult education—how cool would it be to...