Image Stillness by hkoppdelaney via Flickr
Image by Pixabay via Flickr
7 Cool High- and Low-Tech Ideas for Meetings and Incentives
Networking at Cvent39s Corporate and Association Meetings Summits photo courtesy of Cvent
Speaker writer and tech consultant Stephen Nold founder of TeccSociety and president of SCN Partners literally sang the praises of ldquoBig Data thinkingrdquo during a session on how incentive planners can benefit from all the data thatrsquos being crunched analyzed and spit back out these days
Meetings in the World of Oculus Rift, Robots, and Augmented Reality
IRF Invitational 2014: Come On Let’s Get Happy
The Jaktogo and Dresstogo wearable luggage
A Hotel Sues for Really, Really Bad TripAdvisor Review
For Those Seriously Pampered Attendees...