We love meetings!In case you, like I, happened to miss this ode to conferences by The New Yorker contributor George Meyer when it was first published a few years ago, you must, must, bask in the glories of someone who waxes poetic about the absol...
Casey Cote, chief executive officer, Omnience.Today's guest post is brought to you by Casey Cote, Omnience's CEO
Picture this: At one of your key marketing events, the speaker is building an airtight case for why attendees need to invest in cert...
I keep bumping into some very cool, semi-meetings-related technology that I just have to share because, well, it's cool. So...
• Meet Edison, a chandelier/art installation at the Epiphany Hotel in Palo Alto, Calif. (natch!). The 100 hanging ligh...
It's not your imagination—the number of people with food allergies in the U.S. has in fact been growing. According to a 2013 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, food allergies among children increased approximately 50 percent...