This is a photo from the annual Zumba Instructor Convention. Most conference classes would likely be a tad lower key—or not, depending on your attendees.Whenever I travel, I try to find somewhere to get my fitness fix, be it a quick pre-session m...
I may never roll my clothes again after having watched this handy video on how to pack a month's worth of clothes—including shoes!—in 22-inch carry-on suitcase. Well worth the eight minutes it takes to watch. You may, if you're...
Being someone who both loves dogs and has great interest in all the challenges involved in accommodating people with disabilities at meetings and events, I read with great interest an article in the Los Angeles Times about a growing problem with ...
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we're not as big on volunteering as we used to be. While still roughly a quarter of the population is willing to put their hands up to help (22.2 percent for me and 28.4 percent for women), the overall...
Bitcoin—a virtual currency that's been been around for five years now—has been popping up everywhere in my reading lately. According to, "Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing tra...
Gina SmithThis guest post is by freelance writer Gina Smith.
With today's technology, we are no longer confined to collaborating with talent from within our zip code. We can reach out globally to organize the best team for the job. While there a...
You want to make your event more interactive and engaging, but formats like "unconferences" and "conferences that work" that don't have a pre-set agenda can be a tough sell. We recently held a webinar (now available on...