Today's guest post comes to us from Carsten Kraus, chief executive of FACT-Finder Travel, who tackled the topic of semantic travel search at The World Travel Market 2012. While it may have a much more dramatic impact on leisure travel, think a...
Nowadays meeting managers are likely to see more iPads than paper notebooks in their attendees' hands. And that's OK. But the shift toward an ever more smartphone/tablet-centric universe means you're going to have to do some shifting yourself...
An almost unrecognizable Louis CK nails the unctuous hotel clerk in this sendup of hotel fees on Saturday Night Live. And here I thought hotel fees were so absurd as to be almost impossible to ridicule...bring on the taxidermied bobcat!
I just ran across two possibly useful ideas for meeting planners and other frequent fliers:
The UpRight Sleeper, which looks like some sort of neck brace but may in fact help you sleep? Mmm, comfy. It also comes with a coverup tote so you ...
Today's guest post is by Jason Tucker, digital marketing executive with Organic Development , and a big fan of mobile apps for meetings.
As developer Quickmobile says, mobile event apps are “the printed guide on steroids.” No one wants to ...
Howard Givner, founder and executive director of the Event Leadership Institute, posted on the Event Manager Blog about the evolution of meeting planning from version 1.0 (taking directions and running with them), to 2.0 (strategically alignin...