Is there anyone who doesn't believe room sets matter, that as long as people can sit, they can learn? My friend, you need to read What's Wrong with this Room Set by Kristi Casey Sanders. Actually, you don't even have to read it—just look at the...
One way to get people into your exhibit hall? Feed them, of course! In case you hadn't thought of it, the good folks over at American Meetings Inc. say you not only will get more traffic to your trade show floor by holding your receptions and...
Here's an interesting guest post by Doug Archibald, vice president, sales and service at Ungerboeck Software International- a worldwide provider of mobile event management software for conferences and venues. He's talking more to the venue side...
Brought to you by the always brilliant Lara McCulloch-Carter, the #EventProfs community, and Plan Your Meetings: Stuff Event Planners Say.
My first full day at the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions annual conference, going on now in Orlando, was packed. Some notes on the meeting as a meeting. ...
While it may not rock your world, this list of 10 quick meeting-planning tips from the AMI blog is a good reminder of what really counts: that it's all about the attendees, not your organization. It may be simple, but it's probably not easy!
That's what Kristi Casey Sanders asks in this interesting post about how what's hip today might become passé, presentation-format-wise. Plus she includes a great list of tips (and she's funny).
Most of the conversations I've had recently around the trade show concept have focused on their being perceived as an old-school way to bring buyers and sellers together, one that is becoming increasingly ineffective and unappealing to attendees...
Or a stinky seatmate, or one that never shuts up? The list of things air passengers are and do that annoy their fellow travelers are legion. Which do you find most obnoxious? Head over to and register your vote on what makes for the...
Talk about communication failure! This is scathingly on target.
Thanks to @BrianSMcGowan for the pointer!