Oh good, first they go bankrupt, and now they're being sued for poisoning a passenger—the "they" in question being, of course, American Airlines. I just can't wait to climb on board for my AA flight to San Diego for PCMA in January. I think I may...
Andy McNeill, principle and CEO...
If you want your participants to sit up and pay attention, give them some gum. Yup, it seems that there's some recent research that suggests chewing gum helps make you more attentive and perform better on tests. Unfortunately, the boost in brain...
Google Maps is bringing its helpful blue dot indoors, so you'll be able to figure out where you are relative to where you want to go inside as well as out. While it looks like it just has some major airports and shopping areas mapped out as of now...
Today I got a press release from a company that was making an ">interesting offer: If a conference organizer uses the company's services in response to an attendee's referral, the company is offering to reimburse that attendee up to $500 in...
I love this notebook! How much do you want to bet that the number of interruptions you'd get would go way, way down if you carry this into your next staff meeting and plop it down on the table in front of you...
If you find yourself designing your meeting's brochure, signage, or anything else that includes type, you owe it to yourself to check out these 26 free retro fonts (you can download them straight from the linked site). If you have any sort of...
It's hard to imagine that the word hasn't yet gotten out to some meetings professionals that it's better environmentally, budget-wise, and even logistically, to lose the bottled water habit for meetings. And yet, we still see them on ice at breaks...