After reading about the levels of customer disservice recently received by two very visible—and very vocal—meeting professionals, MaryAnne and Joan, I have to wonder what is going on. I know the economic fallout on most of us, and particularly...
The latest issue of Wired had a great travel section. It includes things like a fabulous time versus money column along with the marginal utility curve (tracks bang for the buck of things from a ride on the Staten Island Ferry to zero-gravity...
Funny how just 10 cm can make the difference between unlocking the cockpit door and causing a 737 to roll and drop 1,900 meters in 30 seconds. Yikes!
Speaking of fees—here's a new twist on cancellation fees: airline-like rebooking fees (read through the comments for more interesting takes on it). My biggest takeway? Read all that fine print!
How else can you take the news that U.S. hotels are now raking in a record $1.8 billion (with a "b") in fees and surcharges? To be fair, some of the increase is accounted for by an uptick in occupied rooms (which come with all those fees and...
I'm in Baltimore for the National Task Force on CME Provider/Industry Collaboration conference, which is one of those typically brain-exhausting two-day information marathons where so much gets thrown at you you're lucky if anything sticks. As was...