Corbin Ball's latest e-newsletter linked to this article on mobile apps for meetings, which is worth clicking through to just for the list of features an mobile meeting app can have—while perhaps not the most practical, I think my favorite is ...
Or, in the case of the Cvent Great Event Facebook Photo Contest, a chance to win $10,000? If so, rustle up your best photo of the best event you've planned. You have until August 8 to submit your best work; then you're at the mercy of the voting...
My mind got to spinning a bit after reading this post on fully engaging attendees on another new-to-me favorite blog, EventsforChange Peter Straube lists the four components every event needs to really grab participants' attention (while most...
How did I not know about Adrian Segar's awesome Conferences that Work blog before now? It goes from tips on live-blogging a conference (why didn't I think of that?) to a thought-provoking look at the decision-making process—and that's just the two...
My colleague just sent around a link to this handy dandy scheduling site that allows you to coordinate meeting times around the world, and I had to share it. Nice!
Think again.
(Thanks to @cmeadvocate for the link to this new version, though I think I like the background music better in the older one.)
I love this idea from Cindy at AE on the Edge: On-time prize drawings to reward those who show up on time with the possibility of winning a prize. I'd add it'd be good to save a really good prize for a "last-attendee-standing" drawing to reward...
I haven't yet read these two case studies in innovation, but having read about them, I'm going to print them out and bring them along for vacation reading next week. OK, maybe not, but definitely when I get back home. ...