Could it be that meetings of the future will be avatar-only, while we humans get to stay at our desks? And if, as this article on the advent of technology that makes true, productive 3-D digital meetings possible really has arrived, what does that...
Any ode to the airlines would have to begin, "How do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways." (Apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning and her famed Sonnet #43.) There is the meanness, the unsafeness, the overcharges and fees, the losing of the...
No matter how much tiger blood flows through his veins, Charlie Sheen's debut show in Detroit was nothing short of a disaster. As Tom Asacker points out in this brilliant article (link to PDF download), "He seemed to believe that 'Charlie Sheen'...
A big challenge for most, if not all, of the meetings I've gone to in recent years is the ending. We generally start off with a bang—someone with inside information on industry trends, or a motivational speaker of some kind, or a big production...
Low-cost Euro airline Ryanair, famous for sneaking in fees for pretty much everything (including bathroom use), pulled a good one today with an early April Fool's joke that I think might just be a feeler on how people would react to the idea: It...
Remember the Brookings report? You know, when Heywood Sanders, professor of public administration at the University of Texas at San Antonio, said that the convention center market was, according to an article we published in 2005 when the report...
I always thought that both armrests belong to the person in the middle seat, but it depends on who you ask, according to this article on air travel etiquette in the Wall Street Journal. The article also tackles: ...