The Canadian Society of Professional Event Planners has honored 11-year CanSPEP member Sandy Biback, CMP, CMM, of Imagination + Meeting Planners Inc., with its Industry Builder Award for her work in educating the current, and the next, generation...
I recently stumbled upon If You Watch It Backward, which chronicles what things would look like if you thought about them backwards (duh!). There are some hilarious entries (and many that are a touch blue, so enter with care). Such as: ...
Can you even imagine an award recipient at your conference giving a speech like this? Just goes to show that even the most overdone and/or boring award event (obviously, I'm not a fan of these things) can have its redeeming moments. ...
If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend checking out Life After Layoffs, Arlene Sheff's first-person account of losing her senior meeting and event planner position with The Boeing Co. I couldn't put it down. ...
I ran across this post on Gizmodo outlining some great Android and iPhones apps to help you save money at the gas pump. Actually, it wouldn't be a bad idea to pass these along to potential attendees if you have a drive-in meeting coming up.
Do games have a place in the future of the meetings industry? I don't mean pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey or icebreakers, but really integrating aspects of gaming (particularly those that make online games so addictive) into a meeting's agenda. ...
The worst I've seen actually was a near-miss, when the opening keynote speaker didn't show up until the very last second, didn't answer her phone, and left the organizers scrambling to shuffle the schedule around to come up with someone else who...
New Hampshire Rep. George Lambert, R-Litchfield, has introduced "a bill that would make the touching or viewing of a person's breasts or genitals by a government security agent a sexual assault," according to the Union Leader. "At what point have...