That's what this post on asks, and from the comments, it sounds like the majority say it is. I can see it being rude if people are just checking e-mail or shopping on eBay or whatever, but really, live-tweeting about a session is...
Julius Solaris gives us a peek into one of the coolest ideas I've heard about in a while in this post: The Best Way to Integrate Facebook to Your Event: RFID. As he says, "Long story short, Coca Cola used RFID in their Coca Cola Village to let...
It just keeps coming, and I can't stop myself from reading/watching/being bemused by all the anti-TSA bits floating around. I started to put together some of my favorites, then ran across two people who have already done an infinitely more...
If you need any more reasons to make sure you're providing adequate bandwidth for your attendees, here they come. According to a study conducted by StudyLogic for Sheraton, a full 60 percent of the 4,204 people surveyed in the U.S., U.K., and...
Do you take the jet-laggedness (I know, not a word) of your meeting's attendees into account when you're scheduling sessions? If not, you should be. Not just to be nice and considerate of those who come from other time zones, but also to maximize...