KultureCity’s sensory bags include items that can help attendees be more comfortable during a conference. Every item can be wiped down and reused at the next event.
Noise-Canceling Headphones
Noise-canceling headphones help attendees navigate loud areas, such as the trade show floor, that they otherwise might skip.
Each bag contains three different types of fidgets, KultureCity’s Srivastava defines these as “small items that folks can use to keep their hands occupied.”
Weighted Lap Pad
For some people, sitting still for long periods of time is difficult, but a weighted lap pad can help them stay calm and focused during a lecture.
Visual Thermometer
Non-verbal attendees can use this card to ask for help and to indicate how they are feeling, for example, if they are confused or lost.
Custom Lanyard
Specially designed lanyards indicate to event staff attendees who may require sensory help, but don’t stand out to other attendees.
The Sensory Inclusive App
The free Sensory Inclusive app from KultureCity provides a list of sensory-inclusive venues and other resources.