Jeffrey Broudy, executive vice president, United Incentives, Inc., and IRF former chairman, receiving the first-ever IRF Visionary Award from IRF Chairwoman Sandi Daniel (right), and Janet Traphagen, executive vice present, sales, Creative Group...
One journalist’s whirlwind ride through a rainforest paradise for meeting and incentive groups.
Some 150 corporate meeting professionals and Las Vegas suppliers gathered for MeetingsNet’s 16th annual Las Vegas Corporate Invitational in April, offering meeting planners a taste of the city’s wide variety of conference and group...
In our annual Incentive Travel Trends survey done in partnership with the Incentive Research Foundation (full results available in the April MeetingsNet magazine app or in our digital edition), we asked respondents to name two emerging countries...
Click on the link below to read the annual joint survey by MeetingsNet and the Incentive Research Foundation. We dig deep into the year in incentive travel, drawing on survey responses from both in-house planners and third-party incentive...