Deborah Brice, CMP
Senior Meetings ManagerThe Optical Society, Washington, D.C.
My Job: Responsible for two annual conferences: the 14,000-attendee OFC (Optical Fiber Communications conference and exposition) and the 5,000-person CLEO (Confere...
Robert SiegerSenior Vice President, Technology ServicesCreative Group
My Job: “I am responsible for meeting the technology needs and demands of
Creative Group’s internal as well as external customers.”
Robert Sieger, Creative GroupMy Device...
Stormi Boyd, CMP, CMMDirector, Professional ServicesRed Velvet EventsAustin, Texas
My Device: iPad
My Job: “95 percent of my job is meeting planning. I support a team of planners doing big events.”
Must-Have Accessory: Stylus
Stormi Boyd, CMP...
Charlene DeCesare
Vice President of Marketing and Sales
Boardroom Events
Marathon, Fla.
My Device: iPadMy Job: Marketing strategy and business development, plus “whatever else is needed to make our three annual events incredibly succes...