Thank you for your perceptive and energetic review of the ACME meeting. You captured many of the flavors and energies that were felt by many in the room, including very ancient ones like me, as well as the many young women and men who represent...
Does the American Board of Medical Specialties’ white paper call for a new accreditation system just for maintenance of certification continuing medical education?
If we want to provide inter-, multi-, and transdisciplinary
education, we need to first understand what these terms mean.
Social media use was up nearly 1,500 percent at the 2011 Alliance for CME conference.
Continuing medical education is about a lot more than licensure requirements.
Why is it that communications to the continuing medical education community are so hard to decipher?
The Alliance for Continuing Medical Education expands its mission and membership beyond CME to include the full community of professionals involved in healthcare education.