I love the way Frank J. Veith, MD, professor of surgery, Department of Surgery, NYU Medical Center, New York; and professor of surgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, lays out the reasons why commercial support isn't actually the devil in this...
Check out this compilation of interviews and impressions from this year's Alliance for CME conference put together by Jonathan Marx of InQuill Medical Communications, LLC. I love that he did it as a multimedia presentation, though it does take a...
The job of a travel manager isn’t just to drive down business travel costs, but also to know how to use travel to drive top-line growth. That, according to Christa Degnan Manning, director, eXpert insights and research, Advisory Services, American...
With the release of the Convention Industry Council’s economic significance study, U.S. meeting professionals can confidently claim to be part of an industry that contributes more to the national economy than auto manufacturing...
Two years ago, meetings were under attack. While industry leaders were eager to defend face-to-face events, they had few hard facts with which to convince business executives and government officials of the bottom-line value of meetings. That won...
The Accreditation Council for CME is looking for input about its Web site as it begins a redevelopment it hopes will make the site more user-friendly, according to an e-mail I received recently. So if you have a few minutes (the info I got said it...