Check this out: The Clinical Skills Online, a project that, according to its YouTube caption, is "aimed at providing online videos demonstrating core clinical skills common to a wide range of medical and health-based courses. This project has been...
As much as poor Gardiner Harris (medical reporter for the New York Times) gets bashed at almost every CME conference I've been to, you have to admit that he tries pretty hard to get things right. But so many mainstream media reporters just don't...
Today I got a press release about something called Disaster Hero. From the release: "Video game developer and publisher Legacy Interactive® today announced a contract with the American College of Emergency Physicians to develop a game designed to...
Of the top 50 continuing education blogs, that is. Well, the link actually goes to the Medical Meetings site, but that's fine with me. Thanks for the link love,
Just a week and a half ago I was in beautiful Montreal, Canada, for the 15th Annual Global Alliance for Medical Education meeting. Now I’ve been to a bunch of Alliance for CME conferences, and the Annual Conference of the National Task Force on...
The most recent version of the American Medical Association’s Council on Judicial and Ethical Affairs report on Financial Relationships with Industry in Continuing Medical Education has been sent back to committee for retooling. This is the...
Rod Abraham, founder of full-service meeting management firm R.E. Abraham & Associates and The Professional Meeting Planners Network (PMPN), has formed a new company called The Rod Abraham Group, based in Durham, N.C. His new company will...