The Convene Green Alliance, a membership organization of more than 60 associations and industry partners, will hold an educational event June 19, at the JW Marriott Hotel Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. The event will explore renewable...
A marketing initiative by the Hawaii Convention Center to help association clients build international attendance resulted in a 10 percent increase in foreign visitors at Hawaii meetings last year...
Record oil prices are pushing costs up, an economic downturn is sending demand down, and the memory of the demise of two all-business-class trans-Atlantic carriers—Eos and Maxjet--is still fresh, but a new premium airline is set to begin selling...
The National Commission for Certification of CME Professionals has announced the launch of its long-awaited certification exam for CME professionals...
The Association of American Medical Colleges Task Force on Industry Funding of Medical Education has issued a report recommending that academic medical centers strengthen their policies regarding relationships with pharmaceutical, medical device...
The Green Meeting Industry Council’s search for a new executive director has ended. The Portland, Ore.–based organization has appointed Tamara Kennedy Hill to the role, effective May 15. Hill comes to the GMIC from Travel Portland, the city’s con...