Here's an interesting article about the various ways pharmaceutical companies are marketing to minority populations, including holding educational meetings in churches, and creating "customer evangelists" who reach out to others in their communities.
Here's an interesting read from How the drug industry abandoned science for salesmanship. (Warning: It contains a graphic from the ad for Lamisil that sends me screaming from the room every time it's aired.) It includes this line...
Will adding humanities to the med school curriculum help make for a better doctor? That's what this article from the New York Times explores. It talks about whether art appreciation can help sharpen a physician-to-be's ability to notice details...
There's an interesting post on the Pharma Marketing Blog about some possibly problematic ties between the RLS Foundation and its corporate pharma sponsors that have the potential to bias the research the foundation has one on the prevalence of RLS...
A manager at the Central Manchester Primary Care Trust sent a letter to pharma companies that asked them to pay into a "training fund" to get access to key physicians, according to ...
Recommended reading from Anne Taylor-Vaisey: The British Medical Journal maintains collections of articles in various categories. One of these is Changing Physician Behaviour, a collection of 124 articles to date. From here you can link to a...