Here's an interesting idea: Pennsylvania, which is getting whacked with billions in drugs for state employees, Medicaid, and the elderly, has launched an "unsales" program where detailers visit docs to tout the benefits of generics and lifestyle...
This is pretty off-topic, but who knows—maybe you could use it somehow for a cardiology meeting? Nathan Sawaya is an artist whose medium is candy, and he made this lovely rendition of a heart because, he says, "I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day...
...bring the education to him. And in as low-tech a way as possible, since he doesn't have Internet—or even library—access. That's the idea behind the Blue Trunk Library, a project designed to provide continuing healthcare education to workers in...
According to the, Ireland is responding to a recent scandal by introducing new legislation that would make continuing medical education compulsory, among other things. From the article...
We often hear about interactive videoconferencing being used to train docs through live surgery broadcasts, but here's another way it's being used: Medical Missions' Giggles Theater Brings Laughter to Critically Ill Children Through Polycom...
From The Onion: Wonder Drug Inspires Deep, Unwavering Love Of Pharmaceutical Companies. It comes complete with a description of the TV spot, and another drug hot on its tail that would "will induce warm feelings not just for drug corporations in...