There's another new player in webcasting surgical video:, which is recording on-request videos of various surgeries, both for the general public and for healthcare workers for CME credit, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. A...
Next time you go out to eat, check the pen the waiter gives you to sign the check—he may be trying to tell you something! (OK, I know this has nothing to do with CME or pharma meetings, but it totally cracked me up). Warning: Some PG-13 language...
Docs aren't too good yet at identifying potential biological terrorism attacks, according to a study published yesterday in the Archives of Internal Medicine and discussed in The Boston Globe (free reg. req'd). From the Globe article...
That's the question posed in this editorial from Academic Medicine October 2005; 80 (10). (Thanks to Anne Taylor-Vaisey for the pointer!) ...
Read 'em and weep: Implant Program for Heart Device Was a Sales Spur (from the New York Times, free registration req'd). From the article...