Suzanne Ziemnik, MEd, has joined the American Society for Clinical Pathology in Chicago as senior vice president, education and assessment. Ziemnik was previously the director, division of CME, at the American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove...
TWO DYNAMIC WOMEN set the stage — and tone — for the high-energy Meeting Professionals International's World Education Congress July 10 to 12 at the Miami Beach Convention Center: Christine Duffy, president and CEO of Maritz Travel Co. and...
Imagine more than 200 event management and business templates available at the click of a mouse — everything from meeting checklists and event specification guides to housing forms and name badge templates — all capable of interfacing with Word...
THE $271 MILLION Connecticut Convention Center at Adriaen's Landing opened in June in Hartford. The building, which began construction in 2001, is 540,000 square feet in area and includes a 10-story glass atrium, more than 200,000 square feet of...
CONVENTION AND VISITORS bureaus across the country are pushing hard to attract meeting attendees, offering a wide range of services from voicemail blasts to custom Web sites — often at no or very low cost...
It's been more than a year since two major Washington, D.C — based industry associations (the American Society of Association Executives and the Greater Washington Society of Association Executives) and their affiliates (the ASAE Foundation and...
As of late August, the Senate Committee on Finance had finished collecting an initial set of responses from pharmaceutical companies concerning educational grants but had not yet begun reviewing the responses; nor did it have a set timeline for...