Jamie Reidy tells all about his drug sales rep experience in his book, Hard Sell. I haven't read it, and probably won't, given this article in the Baltimore Sun. One thing to ponder, from the reporter's interview with Reidy...
There are lots of stories circulating about healthcare workers who were on the scene of last Thursday's bombings in London, including some from physicians who were attending meetings at the British Medical Association's headquarters, outside whose...
You can always tell when I'm on a screaming deadline--things get a little quiet on Capsules. Hopefully, tomorrow I'll have time to post some of the fascinating little items I've been storing up...
And you wonder why the general public has such a low opinion of the CME-pharma relationship. File this editorial from the Boston Globe as exhibit #3,928. It's written by Jerome Kassirer, author of a book called, "'On The Take: How Medicine's...
Another table of contents from Anne Taylor-Vaisey, this time to the Medical Journal of Australia's Teaching on the run series. The latest, tip #9, appears in the current issue. All are available free online...
Ouch, this one hurts: Pharma Goes to the Laundry: Public relations and the business of medical education (Carl Elliott. The Hastings Center Report), including some really thought-provoking letters in response. A snip, if you can stand it...
Today is Independence day here in the U.S., a day where we celebrate our establishment as a free nation. It is difficult, even for one day, for our country to set aside our differences to rejoice in what binds us together as a nation. Liberals and...
According to this article from insidebayarea, SB 1765, the new California law that went into effect on Friday, requires pharmaceutical companies to limit gifts, meals, and other incentives they provide to health care professionals in the state...