“In my company, CME is now considered too risky. We're pulling back,” said a participant at the Pharmaceutical Alliance for CME breakout session at the American Medical Association's conference on CME Provider/Industry Collaboration, held in...
Technology consultant Corbin Ball, CMP, has made a career out of connecting the dots for meeting professionals. His latest project is a report on the tech tools available to help companies with their strategic meeting management initiatives, such...
IF YOU'VE FOLLOWED this series so far, your CME unit has made assessing learner knowledge and performance improvement an important part of how you gauge the performance of your overall CME program. You're measuring the degree to which activity...
At the Radiological Society of North America annual meeting in Chicago's McCormick Place this year, exhibitors could plug in their own devices, as long as they weren't high voltage, thanks to union concessions. Since RSNA is one of the largest...
This post courtesy of Anne Taylor-Vaisey: ...